Magus Wiki






Anders Sandberg

A rote the Akashic Brotherhood sometimes use. They summon their own dreams, fantasies, fears and illusions into the waking world so they can speak with them, hoping to understand them or banish them if needed. The Brother ceremonially washes himself and then starts to meditate on the part of his mind he wants to meet. He brings it slowly closer to the surface, step by step, until it appears clearly to him. This rote is quite hazardous, since it can release dangerous aspects of the mage into the light, and they might not always be content to return to their old places. It has happened that fantasies not only has refused to return, but that they have stayed in the world in physical form (so called Tulpas).

[ Using Mind 2 or 3 the mage can summon fragments of another present person. Some mages have even sent away their own fragments into the minds of others.
